closed menu

Before May '21
I knew nothing

Today I
{ _ }


featured projects

Personal folio '23

This is a work in progress. I am re-designing and developing my portfolio from the early 2022.

Next.js | React Three Fiber | GLSL | SASS

project 1

Mara River

Tanzanian hedge fund.
Website developed for a web agency.
I'm unable to disclose details about that project due to confidentiality and contractual obligations.

project 1

Paulina Janik - psychoogist

This is a personal website for a psychologist from Poland.
Not yet responsive as work in progress.

Next.js | SASS

project 1


current projects under development

Nursing Home Landing Page

Clone of the landing page from the Elegant Themes template.

HTML | SASS | Grid

project 1

Project 5

Nothing to show just yet.

project 1

Project 6

Nothing to show just yet.

project 1


languages, frameworks and libraries I am using

html logo HTML

I use HTML5 on a daily basis to build websites

css logo CSS

I use CSS3 to build attractive and responsive frontends

javascript logo

Web-apps without functionality are boring and JS brings them to life

React logo

Using components to create interactive UI's has become so much easier

GraphQL logo

I use it together with GraphCMS to connect API's

NPM logo

Very intuitive. And 11 million developers worldwide can't be wrong

Three.js logo Three.js

Creating 3D computer graphics in a web browser using WebGL is awesome

Chart.js logo Chart.js

So much data... Let's display it with animated, interactive graphs

Sass logo

CSS on steroids. Mature, stable and powerful

Material UI logo
Material UI

I use this most popular React UI framework

Bootstrap logo Bootstrap

The most popular HTML, CSS, and JS library in the world

Tailwind logo Tailwind UI

Helps me build modern websites without ever leaving the HTML


let me introduce myself

My name is Piotr Bania.
I am a self-taught front-end developer from Poland based in London, UK.

Since May 2021 my focus went entirely into programming. I have passion for coding, web development, 3d environments and UI. I translate designs to front-end code, and easily work with cross-functional team to define and develop any product roadmaps.

You can reach me anytime via mobile phone, Telegram or by email.

React | Bootstrap | Material UI | Tailwind

Languages and Libraries:
HTML | CSS (Sass) | JavaScript | Three.js | Chart.js

Version control system:
GitHub | Git


Visual Studio Code | Microsoft Visual Studio

NPM | Hostinger | Netlify | Cloudflare | Cloudways | Wordpress | Blender | Adobe XD | Illustrator | Photoshop


Get in touch with me

Send me a message

Contact information

Feel free to reach out to me any time. I prefer to talk over email or Telegram.


Telegram Piotr Bania Dev

© Made with , and by Piotr.
Circa 2022.